NHS Continuing Healthcare (NHS CHC) is a package of care for adults aged 18 or over which is arranged and funded solely by the NHS. It relates to care provided over an extended period to meet physical or mental health needs that have arisen because of disability, accident, or illness.
To receive NHS CHC funding, individuals must be assessed by integrated commissioning boards (ICBs) to determine whether they have a ‘primary health need’. Where an individual qualifies for CHC the NHS funds and delivers both health and social care services to the patient.
West Yorkshire continuing healthcare contacts
Bradford District and Craven
- For support and advice from the Duty Nurse, please contact CHC.
Clinical. or call 01274 423030Queries @bradford.nhs.uk - For support and advice regarding Decision Support Tool (DST) Bookings, please contact CHC.
Diary. or call 01274 423015Coordinators @bradford.nhs.uk - For support and advice regarding Personal Health Budgets, please contact CHC.
PHB. or call 01274 423047Queries @bradford.nhs.uk - For support and advice regarding Care Packages, please contact CHC.
Care. or call 01274 237424Provision @bradford.nhs.uk - For support and advice regarding Payments and Invoicing, please contact CHC.
Finance or call 01274 237665@bradford.nhs.uk - For any New Referrals or General Enquiries, please contact C.
Healthcare or call 01274 423011@bradford.nhs.uk
Email: wyicb-cal.
Telephone: 01422 307400
Email: wyicb-kirk.
- Continuing Healthcare Team (Including Children’s Continuing Healthcare) – 01924 552141
- Complex Care Team – 01924 552142
- Personal Health Budget Team – 01924 552140
Email: wyicb-leeds.
Telephone: 0113 2217600
Website: www.
Wakefield District
Email: wyicb-wak.
Telephone: 01924 315705
West Yorkshire NHS Continuing Care Choice and Equity Commissioning Policy
At the NHS West Yorkshire ICB Transformation Committee in November 2024, a new West Yorkshire NHS Continuing Care Choice and Equity Commissioning Policy was approved, following engagement with our local communities who currently receive NHS Continuing Health Care (CHC) funded care. Much of this engagement took place with people in Bradford District and Craven and Leeds as the changes included within the new policy affect people living in those communities more. There is no change to the policy that was already in place for people living in Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield.
Additional engagement also took place between November 2024 and January 2025, with individuals who have lived experience and advocates of CHC funded care. The outcome of this engagement resulted in several changes to the principles within the policy. This included changing some of the language used as well as a making it clear what the principles in the policy mean in practice. These principles will be used alongside the used alongside the Choice and Equity Commissioning Policy.
The final policy and principles will be shared directly with those who shared their views with us (where we have contact details), as well as everyone who receives CHC funded care in Bradford District and Craven and Leeds so they can see what changes have been made.
Information and advice
The process involved in NHS continuing healthcare assessments can be complex. An organisation called Beacon gives free independent advice on NHS continuing healthcare.
Visit the Beacon website or call the free helpline on 0345 548 0300.
Children’s continuing care
Continuing care for children is available but is based on different criteria and arranged in a different way to CHC for adults. For more information please visit the NHS website.
Useful links
Read more about continuing healthcare on the NHS UK website.
Read more about continuing healthcare on the NHS England website