Our organogram
We have produced a diagram (sometimes referred to as an organogram) to show all the posts (including vacancies) that form part of the NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board running cost allocation. We believe this information is accurate as at 6 January 2023, however we will make any updates as required and to assist with clarity.
The diagram shows this information by Core Directorate and by each of the five West Yorkshire Places (Bradford District and Craven, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds, and Wakefield District).
For the purposes of the diagram, posts have been categorised in the following levels:
- the Chief Executive Officer post is categorised as Level 1,
- the Executive Director (ED) and Place Accountable Officer (AO) posts as Level 2,
- posts directly reporting to EDs and AOs as Level 3 and
- all other posts as teams at Level 4 (irrespective of internal team reporting arrangements).
In this diagram, for all posts we have included the whole time equivalent (WTE) and pay scale / band (e.g., Agenda for Change (AFC), Clinical, Very Senior Manager etc) for each post. For posts in Levels 1 to 3, the information for each post also includes job title.
Supporting / additional information
To accompany this diagram we have also provided some additional detail in an excel document. Please note that the excel document also includes information on average salaries (excluding any associated costs of employment, such as employer pension contributions) for each post as per the pay band / pay scale described and, at a team level, the spreadsheet also shows the collective costs (based on average salaries) for each pay band / pay scale within each team.